Author: Grand Arkhitekton

  • His Majesty The King

    L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem15106 Pleasant Valley RoadWoodstock, Illinois 60098 U.S.A. 6 February 2024 His Majesty The KingBuckingham PalaceLondon SW1A 1AA   Sir,  You may recall that I wrote to you on the sad occasion of your beloved mother’s death in September 2022, and that we share the same birthday, 14 November.  Consequently, I am deeply concerned…

  • Grand Priory of Canada Knighting

    Grand Priory of Canada Knighting Ceremony 2023  At 10 AM EST on July 15th at Legacy Church (formerly POEMA Church in Hamilton, Ontario), the Grand Priory of Canada held a Knighting Ceremony for Steven Arsenio, Elia Sybydlo and Stan Burgstaler (posthumously ordained). The Knighting Ceremony also honoured in rememberance one of our fallen brothers, Sir…

  • International Newsletter, December 2023

    The latest updates, communicating the International OSMTJ news for December 2023 to the Grand Priories. The Newsletter links for the FlipBook files are below. English French Spanish

  • Announcement: Official Ring of the Order

    Announcement: The Official Ring of our Order was launched this past weekend at National Conclave in Miami! The ring is available in Silver and Gold and it’s available to members of our Order! Get yours here: (site registration required.)

  • The Name of the Order: L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem

    20 May 2023 The Name L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem Many Templars have asked why we have changed the name of the Order. We have not changed the name of the Order; we have simply registered it under its historical provenance. The name, Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTJ) and its…