Grand Priory of Canada Knighting Ceremony 2023

At 10 AM EST on July 15th at Legacy Church (formerly POEMA Church in Hamilton, Ontario), the Grand Priory of Canada held a Knighting Ceremony for Steven Arsenio, Elia Sybydlo and Stan Burgstaler (posthumously ordained). The Knighting Ceremony also honoured in rememberance one of our fallen brothers, Sir Knight Commander, John Ellis, of the Grand Priory of Canada. During the Knighting Ceremony, brother Stewart was officially recognized ceremoniously by H.E, Grand Prior Emeritus, Keven Ellis, as a Squire-of-Honour within the Knights Templar and was presented with an official Templar ceremonial dagger.

We cannot fail to mention the important rite of passage that took place before the commencement of the ceremony, the Passing-of-the-Accolade. From the-now Grand Prior Emeritus, Keven Ellis, to Canada’s new Grand Prior, H.E Lino Nevio DiJulio.

A professional photographer, a friend of a brother of our Order, was commissioned to do what he does best, with the talents God has given him, to help document this blessed day. By Gods’ will, the pictures came out absolutely beautiful. These pictures, in their entirety, have been submitted to be included in the archives of the Order for future generations to look back to.

May God bless the Grand Priory of Canada, their newly invested and ordained Knights of the Order, God bless our fallen brothers, Knight Commander John Ellis & Knight Stan Burgstaler and may we always be there for their families when they call on us, for we will answer, God bless Brother J. Stewart, the greatest Squire that Canada has seen thus far, and for this reason, and without doubt, the awarded title is well merited.
God Bless Canada.
Non Nobis Domine, Non Nobis,
Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam.