The Name of the Order: L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem
20 May 2023 The Name L’Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem Many Templars have asked why we have changed the name of the Order. We have not changed the name of the Order; we have simply registered it under its historical provenance. The name, Sovereign and Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem (OSMTJ) and its…
Agreement of Mutual Recognition and Friendship signed with OSTI
Today 2/19/2023, we are proud announce a Mutual Recognition and Friendship Agreement with OSTI – Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique, a Templar Order that was founded in 1988 by Raymond Bernard, a man with multiple Templar pedigrees, including the OSMTJ, to which he was initiated in the 1960s. While we recognize that OSTI and the…
Hastier Expels Rudy Stevens, Says ‘Who?’ to Luis Martinez
As a matter of historical record, this decree from Nicolas Hastier is being recorded regarding the status of Luis Martinez, Rudy Stevens in the OSMTJ branch under the direction of Nicolas Haimovici Hastier and his Magisterial Council. A Magisterial Decree by Nicolas Hastier was released today, seemingly with an intended purpose of performing some clean…
Welcome the New Grand Priory of Georgia!
Today we are welcoming the new Grand Priory for the noble nation of Georgia. Grand Prior, H.E. Levan Chkheidze has ascended to the high office. Let all the Knights and Dames of the Order extend their warmest sentiments of brotherhood and good will to our newest member of the International community. May you lead with…
Recognizing a New International Priory For Those Without a National Body
Today we are recognizing H.E. Prior Alan Scarlett as International Prior! Prior Alan has been working diligently for years as the leader and mentor for those who apply to the Order in countries for which no National entity currently exists. He then assists in the growth, education and participation for those who would otherwise be…
Statement by the Magistral Council regarding Timothy Bryant Jones
A Statement by the Magisterial Council 3/24/2022 We, the Magisterial Council of the Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem (OSMTJ), feeling compelled to respond to a recent, unrelenting campaign of disorder, make the following statement: We accept the results of the election for Grandmaster held on January 2, 2020, with BG…
Mutual Recognition Agreement OSMTJ – 1804
A Historic Agreement Between two Templar groups. The following documents are a historic Accord of Friendship between the OSMTJ International and the OSMTJ 1804 based in Italy. While there still exist many small Templar groups, by working together, the Templars can accomplish more while promoting the eventual goal of unity.
Decree to Return to Christ
In September of 2018 a new “Declaration of Faith” was presented to the Order as a whole by the sitting Regent of the Order. While this document contained many much-needed clarifications on our code it also proposed two new directions that caused some concern. Firstly, that the OSMTJ would no longer be a religious order…
Two New Grand Priories!
The OSMTJ is growing under the leadership of Grandmaster Mangum. 2020.1.14 Dear Templar Brothers and Sisters , As we continue to grow, I am pleased to announce two more new Grand Priories: 1) The Grand Priory of Monaco, under Grand Prior Dominizio Cipriani 2) The Grand Priory of Italy, under Grand Prior Edgardo Marziani. We…
New Grandmaster Elected!
From ancient times, the Templars have the right to choose their own Master by the votes of the majority. A Majority of the most senior Grand Priors have called for this election legitimizing our right to finally choose our own Master of the Order. By its very definition, a “Regent” is the temporary leader of…
Cultural Exchange Agreement – OSMTJ – OSMTHU
Groundbreaking agreement signed between OSMTJ & OSMTHU A groundbreaking agreement was signed between the OSMTJ and the OSMTHU, two of the leading branches of the Templar Order whose most modern institution dates back from over 200 years ago. In a notably fragmented movement, with many small groups of undetermined origin and frequent divisions in the…