In September of 2018 a new “Declaration of Faith” was presented to the Order as a whole by the sitting Regent of the Order. While this document contained many much-needed clarifications on our code it also proposed two new directions that caused some concern. Firstly, that the OSMTJ would no longer be a religious order and secondly that it would shift focus to that of a secular order. This new “Declaration of Faith” caused some concern among some of the Grand Priors and, as protocol would dictate, these concerns were brought forward to the Regent but without satisfactory resolution. The Grand Priors, acknowledging the Regents authority and right as interim leader of the order, put the issue to rest and submitted to his authority as the scriptures demanded of them trusting that this would be worked out for our good as God wills it (Deus Vult).
On January 2nd, 2020 we saw the election of Master Ronald Mangum and subsequently his first decree was that we were once again an Ecumenical Christian Order. Functionally this clarifies that our center is Christ based and our membership, while open, does demand that a postulant be a believer that espouses belief in the Trinity and the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
We are thankful that our obedience, patience and prayers for wisdom have led us to a Master of the Order whose convictions are clearly in alignment with, what we believe, to be true to the central heart of the Order and yet are thankful for the lessons learned and good works done under the Regent
The first decree from the new Master, General Ronald Mangum
Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. – 1 Timothy 5:17