Gen. Ronald S. Mangum, Grand Master of the Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem, OSMTJ

Grand Master of the OMSTJ, Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem, Ronald S. Mangum.
Gen. Ronald S. Mangum, PhD, JD, Grand Master of the Ordre du Temple de Jerusalem, OSMTJ

On January 2, 2020, Gen. Ronald S. Mangum, PhD, JD was elected as Grandmaster of the OSMTJ. This represents the height of a decades long career in both the secular and Templar spheres.

In a worldly capacity, Grandmaster Mangum has had a long military service in the U.S. Army and has been decorated many times by the U.S. Government. Since 2004 he retired from the U.S. Army after 35 years of service. Promoted to the rank of Brigadier General in the U.S. Army, he served in numerous command positions culminating as the Commanding General of the Special Operations Command Korea. Also served as Commander of two brigades (Battle Command Staff Training (BCST) and 4th LANES Exercise Brigade, 85th Training Division (Exercise). Branch qualified in Infantry, Armor, Special Forces, Engineer, Civil Affairs, Military Intelligence and Transportation.

His education is both broad and deep. He graduated from Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, with the degree of Juris Doctor, from Norwich University, Northfield, Vermont with the degree of Master of Arts in Diplomacy and Military Science, and from Northwestern University. Evanston, Illinois with a baccalaureate degree in history. Therefore, he holds two doctorate degrees, one in Jurisprudence and one in International Relations.

Additionally, he taught master’s degree candidates in National Security Studies and was Program Manager for fifteen years for the American Military University, Manassas, Virginia.

He was subsequently posted to the country of Georgia for six years and is an international lawyer and professor of national security in American and Georgian universities. After his work in Georgia he settled in Europe, working mainly in the Eastern bloc, as a consultant in the fields of International Security, Diplomacy, National Security, Civil-Military Relations, and Institutions of National Security. He has also worked closely with NATO in Brussels.

As a Templar, prior to his election of Grandmaster of the OSMTJ, he was appointed Deputy Regent in 2018by his predecessor, Regent Dr. Nicolas Haimovici Hastier, a Member of the Grand Magisterium, Grand Magisterial Legal Counselor, Grand Marshall of the USA, Grand Prior of Austria, and Preceptor of the Templar Grand Priory of Georgia.

As a member of OSMTH, he served as Deputy Grand Commander, Grand Chancellor, Grand Secretary General, Grand Prior of Austria, Preceptor of the Priory of Tadzrelebi (Georgia). Promoted to the rank of Grand Cross in the OSMTH and promoted to the rank of Grand Cross by the NATO Grand Priory.

On Saturday, October 2, 2021, at the OSMTJ International Convent in St. Augustine, Florida, Master Mangum signed a copy of the Larmenius Charter with his own hand in the presence of the knights and dames of the Order, fulfilling the heritage of his successors for the first time in over 200 years.

Grandmaster Mangum has a proven record of accomplishment and leadership which has shone bright as a beacon in the Templar world. Furthermore, he has officially re-affirmed the Christian character of the Templars, re-establishing the Order in its chivalric roots of piety, devotion and zeal.

As a result, the activities and charity of the Order have been invigorated, and the faithful have been drawn in great numbers into the ranks. Several new Grand Priories have been formed just since his election. New committees have been formed, donations to the needy have been distributed, and men and women of all walks of life have come to rise to the challenges of these present days.

Templarism is experiencing a revival not just in numbers, but in the character, duties, virtue and volunteerism of its adherents. Like the Templars of old, Grandmaster Mangum has cast the vision to reclaim our role to guide and protect the Christian pilgrims – not to the Holy Land as in the days of yore – but serving as examples, guides and way-makers on our way to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

A Templar is both a monk and a warrior. It is one who is studious, virtuous, learned and Christ-like, yet is unwilling to stand aside in the face of evil, or to shirk at the sight of injustice. Grandmaster Mangum embodies these attributes as both a learned professor, and a tested commander, wrapped in the crossed mantle of faith.

The legacy and heritage of the Templars lives on in the OSMTJ, and may God lead us into great works and acts of faith that are worthy of our ancestors.

Grand Master Mangum’s “Who’s Who. Lifetime Achievement Award” Page.

Grand Master Mangum’s Wikipedia Page.