The German Grand Priory of OSMTJ has made child care and child protection a main subject of its charity work. A special focus is on disabled children as well as on disabled adults.
The German Grand Prior Martin Watzlawik has decided to introduce the title “Knight of Hearts” with which disabled persons are to be encouraged and people who aren’t members of the Order, but are doing outstanding charity work, are to be honored.
On July 2nd 2022, the OSMTJ Grand Priory of Germany organized an event in cooperation with several motorcycle and reenactment groups in favor of Pia, a 9-year-old girl who suffers from neurofibromatosis, which are tumors which are also visible on her face and which will be fatal, if the medication is no longer effective. However the little girl is cheerful and full of courage.
For her further encouragement she was made a Knight (or Dame) of Hearts. A biker was assigned to her side for her personal support.
The event was well attended by a large number of people. The German Grand Priory was represented by GP Martin Watzlawick, GK Luc Van De Brande, GM Brigitte Merxx, G-Chaplain Mustafa Münster und others.
Brother Mustafa was also accepted to the Order during the ceremony.”