The German Grand Priory is proud to announce that 7 new Knights and Dames have been confirmed during the knighting ceremony of June 4, 2022, in the Belgian Saint-Antoniuschurch of the town of Viane, close to Geraardsbergen. OSMTJ Germany, under the leadership of Grand Prior br. Martin Watzlawig, assisted by brother Grand Chancellor br. Frank De Bie, sor Rita Scherer, br. Rudi Kennes and br Koen Vanermen, also had the pleasure of welcoming 12 additional Knights and Dames into the Order, cementing a new bond with Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany, as well as hosting the ceremony for br Edwin Tuytens, Prior Flandria et Germania. With the ceremony, the Priories Templari Gérard de Villers (Belgium) and Luxemburg & Süd Eiffel, are added to the growing list to represent OSMTJ in the best of light and to the best of their abilities. Under the tones and with the guidance of a true bagpiper from Ghent District Highlanders Pipe Band, sir Kevin De Backer, the ceremony was completed in accordance with the old customs and rituals, as decreed by our esteemed Grand Master, Brig. Gen. (ret) br. Ronald Mangum, under the watchful eye of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The new Knights and Dames are:
Sor Brigitte Gielen (TGDV) // sor Inge De Bock (TGDV) // sor Danielle Klein (Lux/SE) // br. Tom Fritz (Lux/SE) // br Geert Igo (TGDV) // br Geert Alfredo De Smedt (TGDV) // br. Edwin Tuytens (Flandria/Germania)
Joining OSMTJ and being affirmed are:
br Luc Van Den Brande (TGDV)//br Stevie Janssen (TGDV) // sor Jacqueline Driessen (TGDV) // br Leslie Greetham (TGDV) // br Dominiek Van Sever (TGDV) // sor Els Van Bocxtaele (TGDV) // br Randy Osaer (TGDV) // br Robin Cauwenbergh (TGDV) // br Kristoff Pelgrims (TGDV) // br Danny Bousse (TGDV) // br Serge Houtteman (TGDV) // br Dieter Leemans (TGDV)
Congratulations to all, and welcome!