O.S.M.T.J. GRAND PRIORY OF SCOTLAND (Ordre Souverain et Militaire du Temple de Jérusalem)
Dear Members of Chivalry,
Announcing an International St Andrews Convention in Scotland on November 28th, 2015.
Location: Beautiful Dundee, Scotland.
Haven’t been Knighted yet? Why not do it in a 14th centuary Scottish Castle!
Location: Balgonie Castle Fife
Accommodation To Be Arranged
Formal Dinner Location: In the Grand Banqueting Hall in the Main Tower
World famous Rosslyn Chapel – On Sunday we will visit the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel to investigate the Templar secrets for ourselves.
Based on the attendance of 35 people the total cost (excluding accommodation) would be £50 for a Knight and £35 for a non knight. The ticket cost includes transport from the hotel to the church and return.
The room rate at the hotel is the same as last year £50 per room inc breakfast.(To be Confirmed)
Dinner is a sit down 3 course meal with vegetarian option, with tea and coffee.
Please arrive on the Friday
Friday Meet and Mingle and Registration in Hotel.